- mr president yo need hablar with you
- fak. dont rompas las balls. You dont see that estoy ocupado
- yes mr president, but this is urgente
- ok ok, what coño pasa?
- Is Argentina... they se oponen a la war
- Dont me diga
- Asi es, el saturday se manifestaron in front of our embajada in su country
- Fak off!! That shit. Es too much.
- And no only eso. Tambien quemaron flags from USA.
- Noooooooooooooooo, no sayme more. I cant support.
- They gritaron "bush killer!!!"... "bush stop de guerra"..
- We debemos hacer something, what you suggest?
- Yo think que we must parar the war.
- Si, we can´t have a los Argentinean in contra nuestra. Is danger.
- Of course, son muy powerful. They podrian destroy to us.
- Call a Mr Blair. The plan is cancelled.... Fucking argies!!.
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